Saturday, December 5, 2009


Recipe No.1:
Onion pieces : 50 gm
Add one litre of water and boil till half water remains. Filter the kashaayam and add 30 gm. old jaggery.
Take kashaayam in warm condition early in the morning and do not eat till one hour.
Irregularity in menstruation is removed.
Precaution: Stop the usage after menstruation and restart after 10 to 15 days. Do this for three months the irregularity problem is removed.

Recipe No.2:
i) Use sesame seeds (nuvvulu) and black gram in some form daily.
ii) Diluted starch (ganji) eliminates problems of uterus. Take one or two glasses daily irregularity problem is eliminated.
iii) Take only Moong dal, old jaggery, rice, ghee, milk during periods.

Recipe No.3:
Yogasanas & Praanaayaam:
i) Paschimottasana
ii) Chakrasana
iii) Dhanurasana
iv) Yoga mudrasana
v) Kapala bhati
vi) Moola bandham
vii) Udiyana bandham
viii) Udarsa chalanam
ix) Naukasanam
x) Pavanamuktasanam
xi) Seethkarini
xii) Santhi sayanam

Recipe No.4:
Grind 10 to 20 roots of nela usiri plant in one cup of rice washed water (biyyam kadigina neellu). Extract juice and add one spoon candy sugar and take early in the morning,.

Recipe No.5:
Take equal quantity of medi fruits powder and candy sugar one spoon in the morning and evening. Problems of uterus are eliminated.

Recipe No.6:
Sonthi : 100 gm (Fry and make powder)
Dry kaharjur : 100 gm (Dry and make powder)
Mix both powder and store. Take ½ spoon to 1 spoon with one cup hot milk daily in the morning and evening. After menstruation stop the usage for 10 days and restart. If used for 3 months the irregularity problem is removed.

Recipe No.7:
Giloi or Tippa teega powder : 100 gm
Kiss miss : 100 gm
Take 10 gms out of above and drink one cup milk or warm water in the morning and evening. Take this for 10 days till menstruation arrives and restart after 10 days. Repeat for 3 months.

Recipe No.8:
Bark of neem tree : 120 gm
Sonthi powder :3 gm
Old jaggery : 20 gm
Pound all the three and boil in half litre drinking water till 1/4th litre kashaayam remains. Filter and drink. Do not eat till one hour,
All impurities in the body will be removed and irregularity in menstruation is eliminated.

Recipe No.9:
Bark of mango tree : 40 gm
Old jaggery : 40 gm
Pound and mix in half litre drinking water boil and reduce it to half. Filter and drink,
Over bleeding and irregularity in menstruation is eliminated.

Recipe No.10:
Black sesame seeds : 50 gm (Fry and powder)
Old jaggery : 100 gm
Single petalled mandara flowers : 200 gm (dry)
Pound all together and make small balls of 10 gm. Dry in shade and store. Chew (chapparinchuta) one pill per day early in the morning. Menstruation occurs within 10 days usage. Stop usage for 10 days and repeat for 3 months as above.
Problems like delayed menstruation, excess discharge, no discharge, periods occurring 2 to 3 times a month etc will be eliminated.

Recipe No.11:
Dry grapes : ¼ kg
Atimadhuram : ¼ kg
Pound both together and make balls of 15 gm.
Take morning and evening along with milk.
Blood improves, dhaatu improves, regularity prevails.

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